Purchase and Sales Area Valorization

Purchase and Sales Area Valorization

Within the mid-year closures module it is possible to select the 'Purchase/Sales Area Valorization' procedure: through this procedure it is possible to assign to the mid-year closure the purchase/sales documents not moved to the financial accounting. The reference is about the invoice to be received/issued, that will be valorized directly as if the document has already been received by vendor or issues by customer.

During the opening of the mask it is necessary to indicate on which mid-year closure user wants to operate. In sections above it will be possible to view: as regards the purchase area, the purchase delivery notes not valorized on invoice, the purchase invoices not accounted and goods receptions not valorized on invoice; as regards the sales area, delivery notes not yet invoiced and sales invoices not yet accounted (all these ones have not yet been assigned to the selected closure).

Once having filtered and selected the interested data, user will click on the accounting button (as regards delivery note and goods reception it will be necessary to indicate the purchase/sales invoice template to be used). The procedure will valorize invoice or document as it was a definitive document (in substance the procedure will perform the record to vendor regarding purchase document or to customer regarding sales): it is necessary that document has all necessary elements for the operation (typically all purchase/sales turnover have to be available in order to record the operation).

BuildDate : 23 marzo 2021

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